Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Welcome to Women and Sport

Serena Williams reminds us of how awesome she is

Serena Williams' NY Magazine shoot
Welcome to the course blog for KIN 273/ WGS 310 Women and Sport.  Throughout the term we will use this blog to share and explore many images, videos, and impressions related to our course content.  Try your hand at posting some text, an image, and a hyperlink.  Try changing the size of an image and creating a caption.  Use the preview function to see what it will look like when it's published.  Try to manipulate the post enough to make a discernible visual change in the preview mode.  After you've created a successful post, practice deleting your own post.  

Once you feel like you've gotten the hang of this part, read Dr. E's next post and begin constructing a response.  Don't forget to cite or hyperlink to your sources!
Serena Williams sporting catsuit, French Open, 2018

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