Thursday, August 29, 2019

Vineyard Vines

Many people see an article of clothing or a brand and automatically think of a certain type of person that would wear it. One of these brands for me in Vineyard Vines. When you see a boy wearing this brand, I simply picture a preppy kid with a lot of money. I also picture him and his friends taking his parents' boat out for a weekend. Most of my guy friends that wear this brand fit this description almost perfectly.

Although, you cannot always judge a person by what they wear. So many people use their clothes and accessories to express themselves. Some people, however, wear clothes just to wear them. There is not always a meaning behind everything someone does. 

Blog #1 - Gucci Book Bag

For my item of choice is going to be a fashion "Gucci Book Bag", this book bag is a huge fashion trend in today's more wealthy side of the world. The Gucci book bag was introduced about 5-10 years ago and really blew up because it is a unisex bag and you can use it for multiple different things. It has been used mostly through athletes and live artists like rappers. Everyone knows that Gucci is just an expensive brand and has a harder time being able to get people to buy because its not in smaller areas in the country, but more in other wealthy countries the places can actually have more of their stores and actually sell what they got to offer, rather than here in the U.S. there is really only a select few of people that will buy Gucci. Reason of picking this bag was because I notice it didn't grow on anyone till about 2 years ago. I like the look of these book bags but truly they are over priced and really not made for doing a lot of activities besides for a fashion trend. I do not have one of these bags and do not want one, but I just noticed that this bag truly has bigger cities like Chicago, New York, and its a huge trend in California. These bags cost around $1,200 - $3,000, they are priced so high because of how fashionable the bag is and how it attracts certain people. Actual reason for using is for travel and fashion for a more better look, most athletes that use this bag are for a fashion trends and for travel because they have lots of room. In the reading about Shultz I feel when she discusses about the different subcultural's and the media's and the roles of sporting goods shops, that are basically your region, class, and race. So I believe this book bag you are in a higher social class and the regions are really more popular than areas around here. 

Nike Hijab

The item I decided to choose for this assignment is the Nike Hijab. This item was release and advertised in 2017. It is meant to be worn while women of this culture or religion play any sport they desire without the struggles of a regular home made hijab. Nike has made over 53 million dollars since 2017 off this item alone. This goes along with Schultz idea from the historian Anne Posits that changes in dress are social changes. Because of Nike releasing this item women and men of all religion were buying it and wearing it as a trend and not just a religion or certain type of way of life. They were using it to keep there heads warm, or some even just as a style.

Socks and Sandals

When walking through campus you would be hard pressed to not pass at least a few students wearing socks and sandals. From Birkenstocks to Nike slides, the sandal is represented heavily in the university setting. Personally, when I see someone sporting them I assume that they have some time in here at Ambrose. Meaning that they have foregone the freshman ideals of looking nice for classes and have chosen to be comfortable. I respect it. Yesterday I saw a guy in class wearing Birkenstocks with high white socks and I didn't even bat an eye. In any other formal setting they may be looked down upon, but there seems to be an unspoken acceptance of them here on campus. We have agreed, though not explicitly, that comfort is preferred over a certain look. Some may see it as lazy and that's understandable because they are basically the sweatpants of shoes. However, who doesn't love wearing their favorite sweatpants? Socks and sandals allow you to be physically comfortable and therefore confident in what you are wearing. They also are seen as gender neutral, allowing students greater freedom in their shoe choice. Whether it is a guy in Birkenstocks or a girl in Jordan slides, though they may be branded to the opposite gender, it doesn't seem to make a difference to university shoe culture. I love it and I hope the trend of comfort over signaling permeates more into our overall culture.

Blog 1 - Lokai bracelets

One item that used to be a little more popular, are Lokai bracelets.
The fascination with the product was the message that it relayed was the that the beads represent the highs and lows of life; to stay humble when you're on top, but to not give up when you're at your lowest.  So, after awhile, they came popular.

I'm not sure which stores still carry these products,  but some of the desire came from being stocked at the "cooler" stores. Two other reason were from the message that the company stood for and all the different styles they offer (foundations, sports, colors, etc.).

As far as cost, they do average to be about $20; which may be pricey for a bracelet, but they are durable and meant for everybody.

Blog 1 - The Comeback of Bell-Bottoms

Image result for bell bottomsLots of trends come and go over time, like certain shoes, patterns, clothing items and even hair styles. Some trends will randomly come back into the light when least expected. Bell-bottom jeans just recently in the last year or two started making a comeback in the sorority world. Sororities sometimes adopt trends outside of the norm to become more noticeable and desirable. Like any clothing items depending on what brand you buy you will always pay more when shopping different brands.  Bell-bottoms are just extremely boot cut jeans for anyone who isn't familiar with this look and something that one might not wear on a regular basis or in most settings. Due to the extra denim used in these pants the cost of bell-bottoms is generally a little more than regular pants. I think the hegemonic meaning behind these pants is that when you are wearing these you want more eyes to come on you, so for sorority girls this is probably ideal. I sometimes find clothing trends such as these to be difficult to get behind and sometime unpractical, for example I could get behind the comeback of Birkenstock because they're so comfortable and generally and everyday shoe. But something like bell-bottoms to me just doesn't seem needed for a college girl in the middle of the midwest.

Clothing Item

The item of clothing that I picked is a Carhartt work shirt. I have noticed more and more people wearing this brand of clothing recently. I often connect this brand to dads since growing up my dad owned a lot of Carhartt clothes. The people wearing this could also be connected to the working or middle class people. This t-shirt is not too expensive both other items the company sells are. The financial cost of the shirt is around $17 but can be priced more depending on the design of the shirt that you get. I would say that people that wear Carhartt clothing tend to be more hands on workers. I often see a lot of construction workers wearing this brand.

The shirts can also be worn by anyone because it is just comfortable. I own a shirt just like this one and it is very comfortable and light to wear. Carhartt has built a brand that is known as clothes  that are durable workwear but I think it has changed more to some people wearing it for everyday clothing. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2019


The clothing item that I decided to choose is called a “Dashiki.” A Dashiki is essentially a brightly colored loose-fitting pull over African garment. They were worn as a way to protest society’s disrespect for African Americans. It stood for “Black is beautiful.” Depending on where you purchase a Dashiki they can either be very expensive or very cheap. They range from about ten dollars up to 100 plus dollars. When Schultz makes the valid point of how coincidental it is to have hair being the most visible symbol of black women difference in a culture that is dominated by white people. I agree wholeheartedly, but addition to hair being a visible difference it’s the way blacks dress, and the very skin they’re in as well as the way they speak! Moreover, in today’s society it is believed that some people not just of an African decent wear Dashikis and when they do wear them, it’s because of the style not because of the message behind wearing them. I can admit to having little to no knowledge of its cultural background, I just thought they looked nice. Dashikis come as dresses, some that have short and long sleeves, and they have some that are suits. These were originated in west Africa as functional pieces of clothing for the men and they were comfortable enough to work in the heat.

Camelbak Backpack

I choose this item because throughout the past couple of summers i have noticed that it has become more popular among kids my age. If you don't know exactly what this item is, it is a smaller size backpack that has a plastic flask inside that you can fill it up and drink out of a straw on your shoulder. This backpack was originally made for people who like to do a lot of hiking, biking and running and don't want to carry around big water containers or jugs while on their expedition. What a lot of people have realized is that this backpack has become a lot more mainstream outside of hiking and outdoor activities. Many people my age are using them when going to concerts or festivals like Lollapalooza, Coachella, and Electric Forest. It is a very affordable product that you can get at most retailers/online like Amazon, Target or Dick's Sporting Goods. It a good way to maintain your hydration while at these events where you might not consume your normal amount of solids and liquids.

CamelBak HydroBak Crux Reservoir Hydration Pack, Black/Graphite, 1.5 L/50 oz

Blog 1 - Apple Watch vs. Fitbit

Any Apple product is a 'must have' nowadays. Only a cool kid will have an iPhone, Mac, AirPods, Apple watch all the products. Only because the brand of Apple is so popular. The Apple watch which is one of the most popular products by Apple, is their newest exercise related device. It is basically a phone on your wrist that can send messages, call contacts, listen to music, play apps. This product does although come with a price. An Apple watch can go anywhere from $100 - $500 depending on what series you get. Most people would think that is a lot for a watch but still buy it because they want all that power of a device on their wrist because its Apple. Fitbit is another popular brand (not as popular as Apple) with their fitness watch. It can do all the similar wants and needs as the Apple and also is way cheaper. Now, why wouldn't people by the cheaper watch with all the same qualities? It's simple, it's all about the name brand. Yes, there are some people who don't honestly care and get the Fitbit because it does everything they want and they are happy with that but there are others who if its not Apple then I don't want it type. I think this is similar to the tennis whites example because they want the players to be seen as perfection and classy and I think that is why people choose Apple watch over Fitbit because they want that Apple brand to make them feel classy.


During the summer I also made connections with a lot of European players and a very good amount of them own a pair of balenciaga shoes which are more expensive than Jordan shoes. I believe the reason why many European hoopers own a pair of these is because they’re getting paid so much that they’re just balling out letting people know that they’re the real deal. Majority of the people who plays over seas doesn’t pay for their housing and sometime their flights so they don’t spend that much money while they’re over there. I’ve seen a few professional athletes in the United States rocking these shoes and that’s pretty much  what the brand is targeting overall.

Blog 1 - Nike NBA Basketball Jersey

Most of the time when sports fans want to represent the team they favorite the most, they can do so by wearing a jersey. You can see many college people wearing a jersey to a party or even to class. Wearing the jersey shows a sense of pride in your favorite team. Any avid basketball fan is going to be repping their favorite players jersey. It lets people know who your favorite player is and want to show support. Communities can come together through liking the same sports teams and players. Lets friendships be built off the same interests through sport. A nice Nike jersey will cost around $110. Allows for multiple jerseys to be purchased so people can start a collection. This is not a bad price, but can be too expensive for some of the younger fans to purchase. The main target audience for the jerseys would be typically be male around the age from a young teenager to adults. Females are a focus, but not as much as the males because its male dominated. Customers can mainly get these off the online store or simply go to a sporting store like Dicks. There are multiple sites that a customer can get a jersey from. When I do my shopping for the jerseys I get them from the Nike website because its just an easier connivence than going to the store. The closest Dicks store from St. Ambrose is around 20 minutes, but I never bought one while here. If you were to go to a store in New York City, the price of the jersey will be double because of the location of the purchase compared to buying it in Davenport.

Blog 1 - The Comfort of Compression Pants

One item that I, myself wear often and see many athletes wear often are compression pants. It provides comfort while working out. I have also been playing basketball since I was a kid, and ever since I have found compression pants I wear them as often as possible. By wearing those during workouts, they would keep me warm, which is ideal when I’m doing something athletic so my blood keeps rushing to that area. Compression pants are designed for athletes in particular to be used for practices, workouts, or even games. When I see someone wearing these compression pants, I consider them a somewhat serious and good athlete that is motivated to a certain goal or be better than the competition. In my opinion, I see more males wearing compression pants to be exact, because most females that I see in the gym wear leggings or some sort of spandex. This doesn’t mean that companies don’t make compression pants for women at all, in fact most of the big companies have the same variety and amounts of compressions for males and females. According to the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, compression gear is great for workouts because it stimulates blood flow, offers support for your muscles, and helps with post-workout recovery. For athletes that are really invested in getting better at their sport or fitness, he or she should really consider getting a supply of these compressions because they can slowly help your performance over time.
Image result for nike compression pants Image result for nike compression pants

Medicine, Sports. “Benefits of Compression Gear.” UPMC HealthBeat, 7 Jan. 2018,
Medicine, S. (2018, January 7). Benefits of Compression Gear. Retrieved from

Blog 1 - Madi Epperson
Columbia PFG shirt

Columbia PFG clothing line stands for "Performance Fishing Gear". I have noticed a rise in this apparel throughout the summer months. I, personally, do not own any of the PFG clothing, but I know multiple people that do. The majority of people I see representing this brand are men around the ages of 20-35 years old. I have seen this shirt in places such as campus, Field and Stream, the lake, a campground, and even just some sports bars. Every time I see someone wearing this shirt my mind immediately thinks that that person enjoys the outdoors. Sometimes not just the outdoors, but even fishing in general. When I am out at the lake and I see someone wearing this gear, they are usually holding a fishing pole. This is the same case for when I see people wearing this shirt in Field and Stream or Dicks Sporting Goods. Another thought I get about a person wearing this is that they aren't originally from a bigger city. Due to the stereotype of small towns being the more outdoorsy people, my mind immediately thinks that that person is from a small town. The financial cost of this shirt is only $25. Culturally there are two meanings that can come with this shirt. Some may see it as a lower wealth activity. However, the way I see it is that fishing and many more outdoor activities have other expenses that go in to them. Since that is most likely the case I would say that, culturally, this shirt may be looked at as higher wealth and someone who has more high end outdoor accessories.


Lululemon is a high-end athletic clothing brand. It was first created to sell clothing for yoga, but quickly turned into an everyday brand for women. Their leggings are their most popular product because their comfort and are fashionable. Also, they tend to be more durable than mid price range leggings, but that is something to be expected with a higher priced product.This is one of the most popular athleisure and workout brands for college-age and young adult women.

 As a brand, Lululemon is comparable to brands like Athleta, Nike, Under Armour, and Alo Yoga. 

Many female students wear this product on numerous college campuses across the United States. When I see someone wearing leggings from Lululemon, I tend to think that they may have a bit more money than the average person. Their leggings typically cost between $88 and $148. Also, they are a popular item because of their versatility of wearing them to workout and wearing them to class. Another hegemonic meaning behind these leggings are that the college-age females that wear them are the sorority type. The people that also wear the leggings like to follow popular clothing trends. Personally I do not own anything from this brand, so I cannot make an informed idea of the brand, but these are stereotypes that I have heard.

Apple Watch

Nowadays it seems like most high school and college students want to be seen wearing the most up to date clothing. The Apple Watch definitely falls into the category of what many young teenagers consider to be "up to date." The Apple Watch was introduced back in 2015, and has been a very popular Apple product ever since. From my own perspective, I didn't tend to notice many teenagers wearing a watch, but ever since the Apple Watch was released I have noticed that so many more high school and college students own this Apple product. The cost of an Apple Watch can be a very unpleasant sight. The cost could range anywhere from $200-$800, depending on the series of the watch. The cost is definitely much higher than a standard watch mainly because the Apple Watch allows one to do many of the things they could accomplish on an iPhone. Like I mentioned, the Apple Watch is very popular with the younger population, and even some with the older population as well. I feel as though many people connote the Apple Watch with more wealthier people or those who like to stay fit and active. While not everyone who owns an Apple Watch considers themselves to be extremely wealthy, the expensive price tends to make it seem that way. I myself own an Apple Watch but wouldn't consider my family to be of extreme wealth. I believe that this product has a similar concept to that of the white clothing which used to be worn by tennis players because it can be associated with the classier, or better people who are able to afford this expensive product.

Lululemon Leggings - Blog #1 - Taylor Swanson

Image result for lululemon leggings

After thinking about some of the most popular clothing items in today's World, specifically on a college campus, one brand of leggings/athletic-wear stood out to me: Lululemon. The Lululemon brand as an entirety is quite expensive, but one of their most popular items, their leggings, carries a very hefty price tag. A pair of Lululemon leggings will cost an individual about $98. While it is no secret that the material and fit of these leggings radiate nothing but amazing quality, the hefty price tag definitely makes Lululemon leggings an item of luxury and exclusivity. Similar to the Tennis Whites discussed by Jamie Schultz in this week's readings, Lululemon leggings are not available to just anyone. Firstly, while Lululemon does have an online shopping website, physcial Lululemon stores can only be found in larger cities. For example, the closest Lululemon store to the Quad City Area is Iowa City. For this reason, it is appropriate to assume that most individuals wearing Lululemon leggings are from larger cities, rather than rural, small towns. Secondly, the signficiant price tag on Lululemon leggings definitely narrows the amount of individuals who can afford a clothing item like this. This item is commonly marketed towards upper and middle class individuals. In addition, Lululemon leggings are also marketed towards the teenage and young adult population. Many of Lululemon's advertisements and marketing pictures depict skinny, young women wearing their leggings as active-wear or work-out apparel. As a result, the majority of Lululemon's consumers use their products for the same purposes. It is common to see women and girls wearing Lululemon leggings on college campuses, in gyms/workout areas, and even as everyday wear. In conclusion, Lululemon leggings connotate that an individual wearing this product is likely a young women from a wealthy or "well off" family.

J. Schultz. (2014). Qualifying times: points of change in US Women's Sport. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.

High Waisted Anything

Where would one begin with this particular type of clothing? Well, how about the beginning when women began to wear the famous denim called the high waisted jean. This particular type of jean originated in the 1940s, which were made for women in the working class particularly in the farm fields and factories. Nowadays, the rise of the jeans is exactly what the consumers are looking for when shopping for new apparel. So, what is culturally understood by the high waisted clothing?  The vintage look appears to come back to life as more and more females continue to wear this particular style. With this in mind, females of any age are the individuals bringing this look alive due to their figure and flexibility than compared to males. I believe females are only made for this look due to the anatomy of the human body making these rise in jeans very uncomfortable to male individuals. Therefore, this a very flattering and modern day look that can be dressed up or down for any event thrown at you. Also, the shape and size given from the high waisted apparel provides any individual a comfortable fit. These particular clothing's may even help a woman's figure providing the famous hour-glass look. It may even show off the curves within the waist and a lift within the rear making any bulging waistband disappear and reducing the self-conscious parts within the woman's appearance. Therefore, the people wearing these high waisted jeans, shorts, skirts, leggings, and even swimsuits are trying to discover their body within this new way of clothing. They are also trying to be stylish and brave to reach out of their comfort zone and express themselves through this vintage look. I believe any female can wear this particular clothing because it can be worn by many types of individuals. In addition, this clothing is very affordable and can be sitting in any local thrift store with your name all over it. These clothing's can range from pennies to hundreds of dollars, but I believe shopping financially smarter than harder is the way to go finding the affordable option. Therefore, just like sports this particular type of clothing is a way for women to stick out of the ordinary and express themselves through style. Being a very hegemonic piece of apparel impacting the styles and lives of many individuals from the past to now the present day fashion. 

Sperry Shoes

When it comes to talking about what kind of shoes college students wear today, Sperry Shoes will be towards the top of that list.  When walking around a college campus you see a wide variety of shoes.  Athletic shoes like Nike, Adidas, and Reebok are the top shoe worn on a college campus today.  But, when it comes to a more stylish and "dressier" shoe, you will see a lot of kids students and even teachers wearing Sperry's.
Image result for sperry shoes price
The price tag on a box of Sperry Shoes can range anywhere form $50-$200 depending on the style of the shoe.  This range is a fair price simply because the shoe is durable, stylish, and versatile.  I can say this because they are some of my favorite pairs of shoes that I have.  When I say versatile I mean.  When Sperry Shoes came out, I was not a fan. I thought they looked uncomfortable and should be on the feet of a person in a frat at a college (ultimate frat shoe btw).  But, a person puts on a pair of Sperry's on, they feel confident and comfortable at the same time. They might be that persons favorite pair of shoe and they enjoy wearing them.  When it comes to other people looking at a pair of these shoes on a persons feet. They may think that they are younger and/or educated. They might be worn with a pair of dress shoes which makes people think that they are professional and well-dressed.

Sperry is one of the most popular shoes for people between the age of 16-50 years old.  Due to their durability, good look, and comfortableness, Sperry Shoes are bought and worn just as much as a pair of Nike slides or Under Armour flip flops.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Nike Elite Socks

Nike Elite products came out around 2012 after professional basketball players asked Nike for new designs, specifically for the playoff games. After a limited edition pair of socks and shoes came out for LeBron James, Nike then introduced their new Elite line. In this new clothing line were socks that had a stripe down the back of them and came in any color to fit your needs. They also changed the fitting of the sock and used more of a compression style fabric to help support the arch of your foot and toes. They were pricier than their normal socks because of the new design and fit. Nowadays, they aren't quite as expensive, but a pack of them is still more than regular socks. It started out with college athletes sporting these new socks and eventually youth players started to catch onto the trend. Elite socks are still trendy with the younger population because it connotes that these are high level athletes with lots of skill and confidence. When I was younger, and even to this day, it was always the "really good athletes" that wore these socks, those who played on elite teams or traveling teams. When I see or think of these socks, I think about about middle-school aged kids who had them in all colors and have matching headbands or shorts to go with them. I believe that it is similar to the white clothing that tennis players used to wear because it showed dominance of better, classier athletes who were able to afford them, but I also think it is different because nobody was forced to wear these socks like they were forced to wear white for tennis.

Gymshark - The Tennis Whites of the Lifting Realm

Gymshark is a fitness brand that is represented by athletes around the world. After getting into powerlifting about four years ago, even I myself began buying my workout clothes strictly from this company. The clothes are very tight fitting, stretchy, and give the buyer a sense of both comfort and confidence while wearing the gym clothes. Compared to brands like Nike and Lululemon, these clothes are not outrageously overpriced, but still are on the higher end of the cost spectrum. This brand connotes that the user is strong, dedicated, yet stylish. A hegemonic meaning, at least from what I've picked up on, is that those who wear this apparel are among the elite in the lifting realm (or are striving towards this).

I personally like this apparel because a good portion of their clothes are aimed at women. The weight room is changing in its inclusion of women, just like tennis was during the late 1800s and early 1900s. As Schultz described in the first chapter of "Qualifying Times", what women wore for tennis underwent a series of very dramatic changes to end up as the dress we associate with tennis today. Likewise, what women wear for lifting has changed, as has their gradual inclusion and acceptance in this sport grown. To me, Gymshark is not only similar to the dress of tennis whites, but is representative of the strength and athletic capabilities that women have, too.

Image result for gymshark becca sills and gainsbybrains

From Tennis Whites To Underarmour Camo

Related imageIn this week's readings, Jaime Schultz (2014) examines the conferred meanings in the semi-ubiquitous hairstyle of choice for many sportswomen, the ponytail.  Shultz (2014) makes the argument that the nature of social and institutional power can often be revealed by critically examining hegemonic social practices, in sum, the ones most of us take for granted.  As we consider the gendered and classed practices that defined the dress of Victorian ladies, and Golden Era tennis stars such as Suzanne Lenglen and Helen Wills, let us consider what type of messages or ideas about gender and class construct our own workout clothing or even sports apparel.  Upload a photo from a store (online or otherwise), a magazine, an advertisement, or some other repository of athletic gear.  In less than 250 words, consider the financial cost of the aforementioned gear, what the clothing or gear connotes about the user, and consider the hegemonic or unspoken meaning derived from wearing or purchasing such apparel.  How is the business of modern-day athleisure wear similar or different to the tennis whites of days of yore?  For instance, this Underarmour Big Logo Hooded Sweatshirt Polyester Realtree item will run you a pretty penny, and isn't likely something you'd wear in the field, right (maybe in a jonboat)?  Underarmour as a brand has gained considerable consumer currency in the last decade, not only as a performance brand, but as a lifestyle brand.  If you were to take on this piece in your blog, what meanings are we to infer about this piece of sportswear?  How is it different than this one from Adidas?  I would argue that there are some pretty strong subcultural inferences or at least influences to be made about either jacket.  How can two functionally similar items be so disparate in their meanings?  Why Does one remind me of Carrie Underwood and the other Missy Elliot (but also Glee's Sue Sylvester), two very different cultural icons?  Why can I not fathom Venus Williams  or Michelle Wie wearing either of these (perhaps their incredibly large contracts with Reebok has something to do with that)?  How do people pick up those meanings and reinterpret them when I wear one of these items?  These are just some of the directions we're going to run as we explore meanings in adornment, the moving body, and individual sports and physical activities the next few weeks.  If I were going to do my own homework, I'd consider the subcultural influences of each (rural sporting traditions, hip-hop), the mainstreaming process involving various media outlets, the role of retail sporting goods shops, and the way that clothing continues to signify, subvert, and blend various traditions that can play with notions of region, class, and race. #GotCapitalism?      

J. Schultz. (2014). Qualifying times: points of change in US Women's Sport. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.

Welcome to Women and Sport

Serena Williams reminds us of how awesome she is

Serena Williams' NY Magazine shoot
Welcome to the course blog for KIN 273/ WGS 310 Women and Sport.  Throughout the term we will use this blog to share and explore many images, videos, and impressions related to our course content.  Try your hand at posting some text, an image, and a hyperlink.  Try changing the size of an image and creating a caption.  Use the preview function to see what it will look like when it's published.  Try to manipulate the post enough to make a discernible visual change in the preview mode.  After you've created a successful post, practice deleting your own post.  

Once you feel like you've gotten the hang of this part, read Dr. E's next post and begin constructing a response.  Don't forget to cite or hyperlink to your sources!
Serena Williams sporting catsuit, French Open, 2018