For my item of choice is going to be a fashion "Gucci Book Bag", this book bag is a huge fashion trend in today's more wealthy side of the world. The Gucci book bag was introduced about 5-10 years ago and really blew up because it is a unisex bag and you can use it for multiple different things. It has been used mostly through athletes and live artists like rappers. Everyone knows that Gucci is just an expensive brand and has a harder time being able to get people to buy because its not in smaller areas in the country, but more in other wealthy countries the places can actually have more of their stores and actually sell what they got to offer, rather than here in the U.S. there is really only a select few of people that will buy Gucci. Reason of picking this bag was because I notice it didn't grow on anyone till about 2 years ago. I like the look of these book bags but truly they are over priced and really not made for doing a lot of activities besides for a fashion trend. I do not have one of these bags and do not want one, but I just noticed that this bag truly has bigger cities like Chicago, New York, and its a huge trend in California. These bags cost around $1,200 - $3,000, they are priced so high because of how fashionable the bag is and how it attracts certain people. Actual reason for using is for travel and fashion for a more better look, most athletes that use this bag are for a fashion trends and for travel because they have lots of room. In the reading about Shultz I feel when she discusses about the different subcultural's and the media's and the roles of sporting goods shops, that are basically your region, class, and race. So I believe this book bag you are in a higher social class and the regions are really more popular than areas around here.
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