Thursday, September 12, 2019

Gender Expression Throughout My Life

Growing up in a household filled of 3 sisters sometimes things can be rough. I am the youngest of 3 sisters and with being the youngest I always felt left out. My dad and I were always so close. I felt connected because we liked similar things. For example my typical Saturday afternoon would include me helping my dad fix things around the house then end our day would end with playing horse in the background. It's not an unusual thing to be like your dad and hope to have the skills he has someday.
As I got older everything continued I still liked to hangout with my dad learning to build and fix different problems each day. My dad always wanted me to do sports as well so then basketball, volleyball, soccer, golf, softball, Tae Kwon Do all the sports started. I was a very active child going to different practices and tournaments every weekend. But I loved that I could do it with my dad.
My parents are always my biggest supporters and I'm so thankful having them in my life. I wouldn't say I'm a tom boy but I'm definitely a different type of girl. I like challenges and having all the tools to fix or solve the problem. This only grew as I got older. My sisters eventually started getting boyfriends and then husbands. I loved hanging out with them whether we were just watching sports or heading to the range it is something I always prefer then hanging with my sisters. And to do this day, I would much rather hang with the guys then the girls. I am a student at Ambrose who loves adventure and is studying cybersecurity, which is a really important job field. If I would have never been so close to my dad growing up "doing the boy things" then I would have never chosen my career path or some of the most hardest decisions in my life. I am so happy with who I am and who I have become with my body. I am a confident woman in computer science and having these certain traits that make me, me is something wonderful to have.

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