Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Gender Expression Throughout my Life

Growing up my mom didn't put my sister and I to the elementary schools near our neighborhood but instead put us in private school near the city of Chicago where she worked at. So at my private school the students were majority black and the male and female ratio was about the same and i got along with everyone just find. In my neighborhood back home everyone was white and i didn't start hanging out with them until the 6th grade when i got to know them better since my mom decided to transfer me to the middle school near our house. My parents are very old school and are very religious people who doesn't really understand or approve of certain things that's been going on in today's society. My parents put me in a lot of sports growing up to experience different things like playing with females, different races, etc.. and i got along with everyone just fine. When i was in middle school my parents started to notice that i would hangout with a lot of white female friends and they always told me that it is fine just don't marry a white person and i never thought about why my parents would ever say that, but once i got older i understood why because when my parents grew up in the south during the 1950's through 1980's it was mostly dangerous for an interracial couple to show their love during that time, but now i know my parents doesn't care on what race i marry. So there was an even amount of boy and girls to hangout with in my neighborhood and i was lucky enough to be friends with them until they got to high school since they were a couple of years older than me. The first official organized sport i did through a school was in 7th grade, everything was new to me the people, classes, transportation, and i pretty much had to start over. Basketball and track were my two favorite sports growing up because i will never forget my mom told me a story of me being 3 years old and my parents took me to a track so that i can be with them while they'll do their workout and my mom was in the bleachers and all of a sudden she saw my 3 year old self running around the track supper fast and that i wouldn't stop and she tried to tell my dad to get me, but all he said that he's a runner let him be and from that day on i became one of the top runners in the state of Illinois. I always thought i would be a professional track runner but God had other plans and i am totally fine with that. Being where i am today helped me how to interact with different types of people no matter their race or sex, because where ever you work at after college you'll have to interact or work with different people and it's good that i grew up the way i did.

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