Monday, September 30, 2019

Bodies as Movers, Consumers, and Advertising Canvases

Within the given advertisement, the clothing by Gymshark demonstrates the athletic female that continues to be presented in a provocative matter. Like the 1982 cover of Time Magazine, the female athlete remains displaying her physicality with her legs apart within a flexed toe position to admire the curves of her waist. I picked this advertisement because I wanted to detect whether this “new ideal of beauty” is still present within today’s women in sports that Schultz had explored within the given chapter (Schultz, pg. 125). Therefore, the athletic clothing called Gymshark has skyrocketed in sales profits due to their ability to advertise attractive individuals wearing their given products. Within this given photo, demonstrates an attractive woman posing almost seductively. The advertisement also exhibits a caption stating, “Faded Perfection.” I believe this caption has intentions an individual will have to become perfect with the promise of a muscular physique when wearing their clothing. The image also presents to be in a weight room to demonstrate the athleticism and muscularity of the given individual in the image. In addition, the word ‘faded’ I believe is to be utilized in slang as ‘high,’ therefore meaning high perfection because if one wears their clothing they will feel as beautiful as the model presented in the advertisement. Schultz utilizes the expectations demonstrated by Naomi Wolf called the “beauty myth” and the “backlash against feminism that uses images of female beauty as a political weapon against women’s advancement” (Schultz, pg. 125). Under those circumstances, the given advertisement promises the gain of beauty with the intention to have a body satisfied attitude. However, there is a deeper message within this given advertisement to not just buy Gymshark clothing, but the clothing is displayed by the “heteresexy fit body” that all men desire. Women believe if they look this way and wear this clothing, they will be enough for the average male because this is the type of woman they are searching for. Although, I also believe this is a very powerful woman and she has come a long way to be in front of this camera because she is an active woman who is not afraid to expose her curves and skin, but rather embrace it. I appreciate her confidence and I am glad she can share it through this Gymshark advertisement. However, I would like to see more in action during her workout routine and less in a model presentation. Demonstrating how the clothing will look while working out is important when selling fitness apparel because one would want the customer to admire its ability to handle a tough or difficult workout. From time to time, women have been displayed as a piece of meat that all men desire, and it is still highly prominent within today’s public relations as shown within this given advertisement. However, the advertisement is just trying to lure the customer to buy their product while utilizing the cultural norms within today’s society. 

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