Thursday, October 3, 2019

Blog 3

The advertisement above is a combined advertisement of all the different types of Nike Pro sports bra products they have on their line as of now. Nike chose this picture as part of the advertisement to show that there are multiple different body types and chest shapes that these sports bras can conform to. The simple quote of “unbeatable support. Unlimited possibilities” means that if you have the correct chest support during physical activity than you can accomplish anything. These four words are creating a passion for women who decide to wear these sports bras. Creating that passion creates a bond between the females and the brand Nike itself. Along with the quote, the faces and body language the women have in the photo show power and confidence. This shows other women that when wearing this sports bra, you will feel confident in what you’re doing and how you look, no matter skin tone or body type.
While this is an athletic apparel advertisement, it indirectly touches on the stereotypical norm of what type of women should be posing with just a sports bra. Since there are all different types of body types in one image, this shows that Nike is not just saying women who are slim or considered “fit” in today’s society can wear these. This is touching on the cultural anxiety of only having woman who have a “sexy model shape” to pose for. Many athletic apparel companies are going towards this way of advertising. This shows that all female athletes can feel confident and proud in what they’re wearing.
I enjoy this ad and the feeling it gives me as a female athlete. I am big fan on the Nike Pro sports bras and with a quote like that along with the picture, it gives me the confidence to wear this in a big basketball game of mine. One thing that I like to see more of in all athletic apparel advertisements is the science of how the apparel can enhance my game. As a basketball player, it is neat to see the way your wardrobe can improve your performance on the court, even if it might not be the whole truth.

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