Thursday, October 3, 2019

Oakley Sportswear

      A few years ago, Oakley was trying to boost sales of their women’s collection. The statement of the campaign was, “For running, not running errands.” One photo shows a woman hunched over from exhaustion while other women are dressed nicer clothes carrying various bags. Another statement of the campaign was, “For exercising, not socializing.” This photo shows a woman in Oakley athletic wear running on a treadmill and a “basic white girl” in the background wearing athleisure and holding a Starbucks drink walking on the treadmill. It seems like Oakley is trying to break the stigma of women exercising instead of only being seen as homemakers and caregivers. They are also marketing their products to be performance gear instead of just trendy clothing. For this campaign they are saying that they “make real performance products for real women who get after it everyday.” They seem to not want their gear to just be used for athleisure wear, but for actual working out. 
     Another side of this campaign is that people could think Oakley is trying to shame them for being “basic.” For many young women today, athletic clothing is a part of their everyday wardrobe. Even if they are not planning on working out, they still wear leggings, running shorts and t-shirts. Nicer clothing is normally reserved for more special occasions. The ads also only show fit and skinny women, so this is not a successful campaign to get the attention of all types of women. These ads are directed towards the women the regularly workout and take their sportswear seriously. I feel like this ad does a good job in empowering women through fitness. They are trying to encourage them to take exercise more serious and to not be afraid to do that. The only bad thing about this ad, that they should not do again, is that they are shaming women who wear sportswear everyday for leisure activity. This puts some women off from supporting the brand and they should not continue to do that in the future if they want to stay in the female sportswear market.

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