Wednesday, October 2, 2019

sports wear

Although not completely inappropriate, there are ways that this ad could still promote what they are trying to say and what parts of the body it is mean to help or enhance, it could have been portrayed differently. A shoe that helps out certain parts of the body are great, but why have a naked woman to show the targeted areas. In addition, had the woman not be as slim as she is (all around) would it catch as much attention?  According to Schultz (139), women were largely shown that to have a very toned body that it brought women to feel a sense of empowerment; but in this ad, it just shows a toned woman, but also a naked one. Not that an ad should have a naked woman’s body to sell their product, but it could show a dressed version of herself in a way that shows her expression as feeling empowered; rather than just being a slender, lower half of a body. Another part mentioned by Schultz is about creating a sex appeal; there was the idea that if a woman was fit (which this ad suggests) there is a higher chance of enhancing sex. (126). If a woman was not following along with the sex appeal that follows in sports, or in this instance, advertising, then the model, or athlete, would find themselves in some sort of backlash that went against gender order. (126).

J. Schultz. (2014). Qualifying times: points of change in US Women’s Sport. Urbana University of Illinois Press.

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