Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Blog #3 Bodies as Movers, Consumers, and Advertising Canvases

The athletic shorts that women, in particular, is very common in today’s culture as a common short to wear around and to also work out in. It is a popular a comfortable fit for many women to wear. Also, these aren’t used as much to sexualize a clothing as much as the leggings and nike pro tight shorts. These give a more loose feel to your body and allow for air through. I think the message goes deeper to show women that not all of them need to wear skin tight clothing to show off the body for men. Some women today that don’t have the “ideal” body type that men say they prefer, can wear these without feeling uncomfortable in their skin. I think this type of clothing expands the realm for what women can wear out and about and let them feel good about themselves without worrying about men looking at them in awkward ways. These shorts can allow for a wide range of mobility as well as the fact that is gives you space to extend and bend your legs in many directions. Personally, for myself, I don’t have too much of an opinion on these just because I don’t wear these shorts, but I am a fan of wearing shorter shorts. I feel as if it is a newer trend for guys to wear these shorter shorts again and I see no problem with it unless they are way to short. I don’t think these shorts portray a woman’s body in a bad way because it doesn’t seem as if these women are trying to flaunt or show off themselves more than the product itself.

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