Thursday, October 3, 2019

Blog #3 - Advertisements

This advertisement is for protein products and is called "Protein World". The product that they are selling is called "The Slender Plan" and it is a unisex product so anyone can use it to get on a plan. The meaning of this ad is for female or male people to take this protein and they want you to see this female thinking you can change into something like her. This product is a full plan, but what you get from Protein World is the protein shake bags. This product is told to help build the metabolism and help burn the fat off of your figure. It helps with eating a more routinely fashion and be able to have a more fun and enjoyable body. This product is trying to sell this product in the best way of saying you will have a totally different figure when taking this product. They even say about the product, "looking to lose weight - even diabetics", ( This advertisement was made to sell the product for more female based, but obviously males can use this product, but they are trying to get females to try this product and encourage them to work out more by using this product. I think this is a social norm of society and what we see in advertisements now a days, because they love to show the feminine body to get more people's attention to the brand. Anxieties is when you buy the product and it doesn't preform, because either that person can't work out like the plan tells you too, or you aren't eating the correct way. I think that the actual product needs to be more out there rather than the female's image. Maybe a better look of the ad would be the girl holding the product, so they know what they are selling rather than the body and actually looking at the product. 

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