Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Blog #3 - Deodorant

Deodorant. Something used by everyone, for the same reason. The sole purpose of deodorant is to prevent body odor. A product used by men and women all over, yet advertising is completely different and more feminized. For men the advertisements are mainly focused for athletes getting extremely sweating while grinding out a workout. Yet they never acknowledge the everyday uses of deodorant that everyone else utilizes. But when it comes to women advertisement are sometimes pointed towards female athletes they also target normal people who stress sweat. However this is never seen in male focused advertising. This advertising inequality is hinting at the fact that the men are clearly more active than women who break a sweat doing simple everyday activities. But all deodorant does the same thing, prevent body odor.

Even in terms of scents, the more masculine deodorant smells like a strong deodorant, while the more female scents are very faint, flowery, or smell like random vegetable such as cucumber. This points at the fact that when are wearing deodorant you should know and be able to smell it. But with women the lack of smell points at an exception that women should just be expected to wear it without any of the acknowledgment expected with women. The fact the both the main purposes being aimed at, the settings and advertisements and the scents associated with each gender this points at the fact that socially men are expected to be more active and women are expected to break a sweat doing medial things. In many deodorant advertisements the women's commercials are seen as clean and the men's commercials are seen as rugged, and if advertisers attempted to make advertising somewhat equal, more rugged extremely athletic women might stop using mens deodorant, instead of the flowery, unseated stuff we are presented with.

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