Wednesday, October 2, 2019

women sports bra

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These ads were posted by NIKE for their launch of their new "NIKE PRO BRA". Almost all women who play sports will be found wearing one of these types of bras underneath their jersey, like in basketball, soccer or softball. There are some times when the sports bra takes the role of the jersey it self and women will only wear that as their top piece. This can be found in sports like beach volleyball or track & field. In the ad on the left, you can see that this athlete is a basketball player due to the fact of her holding a basketball. The quote next to her is meant to show that women want to be known as just athletes. Not "a women that is an athlete". She feels like there should not be a difference from a women athlete to a male athlete. The ad on the right shows the athlete doing a sort of stretch or about to do a back bend. This can hint that she might be a gymnast. The quote next to her is meant to let women know that NIKE has sports bras for the "larger-breasted athletes". They want women to be confident when they are participating in their activity and not have to worry about any malfunctions with the clothes they are wearing. Both of these ads focus on the athletes upper body and most the breast area. They also portray an ideal "fit look" for women as these athletes are in very good shape and show a body type that a lot of women aim for when working out. Based off of these two ads, NIKE is giving an unintended message that their athletes are usually in pretty good shape with using these two pictures.
Even in today's society, women are still sexualized for what they wear on the court/field and it unfortunately plays a huge part in the number of viewers they receive. It was states in the film "branded" that the WNBA get a hard time getting a large audience because the players are dressed similarly to the players in the NBA. They are wearing baggy tank top jerseys just like the guys are. On the other hand, beach volleyball always has a fan base because the females are playing in sports bras and bikini bottoms. Wearing less creates more buzz and interest around yourself and your sport.
These two ads are mainly focused toward females who do play a sport regularly or just females who workout in their lives. NIKE is assuming that if you don't do one of those things in your daily life, then the need of a sports bra is pretty small. I understand that the photographer is going to focus on the breast area of the athlete because they are launching a new bra. I think that you will still be able to get the full massage is the athletes entire body was in the photo.

Both of these ads were featured Behance for NIKE's launch of the new sports bra.

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