Thursday, October 3, 2019


A big question in today's world focuses on sports related clothing towards women. Marketers often focus on the sex appeal of women in targeting the audience to try and increase the sales of the product. I think this advertisement is different than others. Many other ads have women that look more like models while modeling or wearing the clothing that is being advertised. That is where I think that this ad is different. The picture above is showing a woman that is running or seems to be in the middle of a workout. Nike is trying to market their running shorts or workout apparel towards women. The gains made by this advertisement is saying how you will move more or better while wearing the Nike workout clothing. I think that the ad fits with the cultural norm of most of the ads directed about women or with women in the advertisement. The ad is showing an attractive looking women with not a lot of clothing on. For the product being marketed it is more acceptable since running shorts seem to be shorter and most people do not workout with a lot of clothing on. This ad is directed to female runners, or possibly any female that works out, or maybe a female that just thinks the clothes are comfortable to wear around. An element of the ad I would like to see more of in advertisements is the females performing a physical activity like the one above. There are a lot of great female athletes in the world and that should be seen in the advertisements for sports related products. The athletes should not be pictured as models, they might be good looking but that female is not a model but an athlete so that should be the main focus. "All but a handful reported that they had learned to see women as more than sex objects" (Schultz, 2014, 145). I found this quote in the reading to be a good one to relate into this blog post. The days of women just being seen as sex objects are over and I think advertising companies need to realize this too. There are many talented women in this world and they need to be recognized for their skills rather than just being put on something because of their looks. 

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